The FACTS on how an excavation site can be turned into a recreation park, and the heart of any community.
We all like to spend time in parks. They provide space for physical activity and community, along with positive environmental effects.
What if there was a solution to introduce a creative way of developing a park in your community by converting an excavation site? What are the risks and what are the myths of how this will work? Here we will break down the facts and myths of how the excavation site will work before it gets created into a recreation site.
Will our roads be dusty?
No, a tire wash will clean the truck tires before they leave the site and enter onto Allisonville Rd.
Will the trucks damage our roads?
No, INDOT regulated scales are used to ensure that each load does not exceed maximum tonnage or place excess strain on the roadways.
Will truck traffic provide additional dangers?
To help ensure safety, acceleration and deceleration lanes will be added for the turn into the excavation area.